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services. information. article 15. The services of O.ME.D. either jointly or unilaterally. support for the Mediation process. BASIC PROCEDURAL RULES Mediation must adhere to the following procedural rules: ed by one side (Party) only, it can then lead to Arbitration. The Mediation process is ruled by Law 1876/1990, O.ME.D. never takes the initiative to provide Mediation brought to collective bargaining. Their duty is restricted in the for the Mediation process without intervening in the issues provide an administrative framework The Mediation process is conducted according to the prin- application of procedures to appoint a Mediator and in clerical both Parties it may form the basis for drafting a Collective The Mediator's Proposal is not binding. If it is accepted by The initiation of Mediation must be requested by the Parties, Labour Agreement or other type of agreement. If it is accept- Parties and the Mediator are obliged to substantiate their ciples of good faith and substantiated dialogue. Both the views with evidence derived from the exercise of their right to 11 Proposal They start They start they are concluded they are concluded PROCEDURAL drawn. signed. ceedings and core proceedings. Is not binding to the parties. ning, namely: Core Proceedings Core Proceedings Preliminary Proceedings Preliminary Proceedings The Mediator`s Proposal The Mediator`s Proposal to participate in the Mediation. ted to the O.ME.D. secretariat, STAGES OF MEDIATION Can serve as the basis of agreement between the Parties. when the Mediator assumes his duties, Once the Mediator has exercised his/her right to submit a for the coordination of collective bargai- The Mediation procedure has two distinct stages, preliminary pro- when an application for Mediation is submit ORGANIZATION FOR MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION (O.ME.D.) when the Mediator assumes his duties. When either workers or employer/s refuse When the application for Mediation is with when the Mediator is no longer necessary When a Collective Labour Agreement is