Toutziarakis Ioannis studied in the University of Athens, in the Faculty of Law (1973-1978) and then prepared and presented his PhD thesis in Labour Law and Industrial Relations, in Law Departement of the J.W. Goetfe University of Frankfurt am Main with magna cum Laude (1980-1986), under the supervision of Professor Dr. h.c. Spiros Simitis and Professor Dr. h.c. Mantred Weiss. He received a stipendium from IKY in 1997 and 1983-1986.
He is a member of the Organization for Mediation and Arbritration (OMED) since 1990.
He has many publications and has participated in many projects on industrial relations, social dialogue, equal opportunities, reconciliation of work and family, on vocational training and trade unions.
He served as a State Secretary in the Labour ministry, was President of the Organisation for Vocational Training (OEEK) and Secretary of OPEK.
He is the creator of news4mee.com.