21 May 2021 10.00 am CET - EESC Workers' Group Webinar
The European Commission's proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages has sparked controversy among member states and social partners alike across Europe.
The proposal develops the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights, aiming to improve the working and living conditions of millions of workers in the EU.
Today one in five Europeans are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, while 10% of workers are considered working poor.
Europe needs to make sure that workers benefit from adequate minimum wages, that poverty wages end and that wage setting systems through collective bargaining are strengthened again after years of stagnation and decline.
On 21 May, we will discuss the issue of the Adequate Minimum Wages Directive, with Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, EP rapporteurs on Adequate Minimum Wages Agnes Jongerius & Dennis Radtke, Workers' Group President Oliver Röpke, and EESC member and co-rapporteur of the opinion on the Adequate Minimum Wages Directive Cinzia Del Rio. The webinar will be moderated by journalist Jacki Davis.
Join the conversation online at the EESC Twitter https://twitter.com/EU_EESC [2] and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanEconomicAndSocialCommittee [3]
on 21 May at 10.00 am CET to hear from our speakers, and take part! Comment on social media under the video and our moderator will bring the questions to the speakers.
Join the conversation using #EUMinimumWages.
This webinar will be held in English